Your External IP Address

Your IPv4 Address is: Loading...

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Your IPv6 Address is: Loading...

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Verify Your VPN with Our IP Address Tool

Using our tool, you can easily check your IP address to ensure your VPN is working correctly. When you activate your VPN, your IP address should change to reflect the location of the VPN server. By comparing your IP address before and after connecting to the VPN, you can confirm that your internet traffic is being routed through the VPN, providing you with the expected privacy and security.

What is an IP Address?

Your IP address is a unique identifier assigned to your device when it connects to the internet. It can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

IPv4 vs. IPv6

IPv4 addresses are the most common, consisting of four sets of numbers separated by periods. Due to the increasing number of devices, IPv6 was introduced, providing a much larger address space with addresses consisting of eight groups of hexadecimal numbers.

Why Know Your IP Address?

Knowing your IP address can be useful for troubleshooting network issues, setting up remote access, and understanding your network better. It can also help you access geo-restricted content and services.